Sunday, September 14, 2008

Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum

This is the third blog I've written, it's weird how I transition all the time. I start work in two hours and so far I've organized my closet but my room is still a mess, I keep looking at the closet and thinking how minimal of a set up I've got and how it so relates to my life right now.

I am a lost lost lady at the present, I'm in my second serious relationship of my adult life and I'm at a cross roads... do I wait the next three school years for him to finish up with his career or do I move on with my life and go back to school? Do I just glide with it? I'm all about instant knowledge, that's why I like the internet so much, I want to know what my future is with my boy, so I can plan out the rest of my life.

But, that's kind of a shit way to look at my life too. I'm a woman with some serious dreams and right now, I don't have the money to move out to Arizona, Texas or California but he's also holding me back in the sense that if we are going to be together through college, I'm likely not going to get the chance to see those places until he's done, or see a diploma myself because I refuse to go back to the U.

Or should I suck it up, take a bunch of classes with teachers and classmates I detest and who are 3 years younger than me, and get my diploma, be with my boyfriend along the same timeline as his grad. date and live happily ever after...

Life's too hard, let's look at fashion! (aka check out the sites I frequent... thesartorialist, childhood flames, and

and one more thing, it's raining and he should be here with me. I hate myself and my dependence on my significant other to feel just right. fawk. that's all.

1 comment:

Blog-Nerd said...

um. so i heart you. and i am sick of dreams being so damn expensive to follow! (and not only expensive money-wise. lots of sacrifices are involved.) at least we have each other! :D