It's been a bit huh?
I've been sick with bronchi-flu-coldess. sexy. My mucus looked liked the stuff you find under super super old oysters, also sexy. But cette jour (today!) I feel un peu better. This weekend when I was going through my stages of feeling amazing and feeling downright crummy, I went to the mall with my long lost sister and hurried around for an hour before she had to leave, trying on clothes, shoes what have you. I found the most amazing and most ugly shoes ever... and yet they are just perfect. see image...

Yesterday was horrible. Tres tres horrible. Yesterday was the pinnacle of my illness, my mom took me to a dealership to look at a car she new I couldn't afford, then to another, and all between these trips to nowhere discussing how "actually maybe you can't afford these" MOTHER! when I got home I was crying and coughing up yellowy semen looking things, and crying and wanting to barf and crying and having snot with said yellow color all over my pale grey face. SEXY. I asked her, if you and abba (= dad in hebrew) were going to buy a car, how much could you afford? she says "much more than you", DURRRRRR. so fucking help me out then, don't just put 4,500 down and then say how I can't really afford a 10k car, give me some more money for a better car since everyone that I've wanted so far wasn't good enough. It's BULLSHIT, meanwhile it's now tuesday, my new job starts in a week and I have no car and no leads. FUCK.
Also yesterday I found out that I wasn't, which leads me to strongly believe I never will be and that in the back of my brain I wished I was so I could finally know I was a woman. Or that I would be able to share something with the man I loved. FAIL.
1 comment:
oh, sada. i love your graphic descriptions of what was coming out of your nose. this is why i miss hanging out with you ;) lol
and you are a lady! and if you can't, then i will. and then later we will be old ladies in rocking chairs pulling pranks on the old farts in our home. all the while laughing about how awesomely fantastic we are. i miss your face!
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